It is always best to check with your potential employers or supervisor to get the exact ORI number to ensure that your fingerprints are sent to the correct department. To search through our list of ORI numbers, please search a description of your industry below to find which ORI description matches your needs the best.
Clearinghouse ORI | Profession/Provider Type | Agency | Photo fee | Total2 |
EAHCA020Z | - | AHCA | $5.00 | $- |
FL920150Z | - | Alcoholic Beverages & Tobacco | $- | $58.65 |
FL922040Z | - | Athlete Agents | $- | $58.65 |
FL921700Z | - | Auto Mobil Dealer | $- | $58.65 |
FL921900Z | - | Brokers liscense | $- | $58.65 |
FL922720Z | - | Cleaning History Records | $- | $58.65 |
FL921932Z | - | Community Association Managers | $- | $58.65 |
FL923400Z | - | Construction | $- | $58.65 |
E37040059 | - | Contractor for Children's Forum | $- | $58.65 |
FL921620Z | - | DADE county public schools | $- | $58.65 |
FL921620Z | - | DOE/TEACHER/CERTIFICATION | $- | $58.65 |
EDOH4520Z | - | DOH | $5.00 | $87.65 |
FL924780Z | - | Drugs, Devices & Cosmetics | $- | $58.65 |
FL921900Z | - | Florida Condominiums, Timeshares and Mobile Homes | $- | $58.65 |
FL924700z | - | Home Inspectors | $- | $58.65 |
FL737127Z | - | Mediation Certification | $- | $45.40 |
FL737127Z | - | Mediation Certification | $- | $45.40 |
FL924270Z | - | Military Endorsement | $- | $58.65 |
- | - | Mold Remediation or Assessment | $- | $58.65 |
FL920630Z | - | Mutual Racing License | $- | $58.65 |
FL922060Z | - | Pawn Shop Related Fingerprints | $- | $49.65 |
FL924870Z | - | Professional Solicitors | $- | $49.65 |
FL922050Z | - | Real Estate Appraisers | $- | $58.65 |
FL920010Z | - | Real Estate Sales & Brokers | $- | $58.65 |
FL924360z | - | Schooling | $- | $58.65 |
FL921650Z | - | Second Hand Dealer License | $- | $58.65 |
FL921250Z | - | Security | $- | $58.65 |
FL921670Z | - | Talent Agents | $- | $58.65 |
E13030452 | - | Teaching | $- | $58.65 |
FL922060Z | - | the division of connsumer services | $- | $49.65 |
E29030035 | - | Tutoring | $- | $58.65 |
EDOH0380Z | - | - | $5.00 | $87.65 |
EDOH0380Z | *Certified Nursing Assistant by Exam | DOH | $5.00 | $87.65 |
EDOH2016Z | *Chiropractic Physician | DOH | $5.00 | $87.65 |
EDOH3451Z | *Orthotist & Prosthetist | DOH | $5.00 | $87.65 |
EDOH2015Z | *Osteopathic Physician | DOH | $5.00 | $87.65 |
EDOH2014Z | *Physician/Medical Doctor | DOH | $5.00 | $87.65 |
EDOH2017Z | *Podiatric Physician | DOH | $5.00 | $87.65 |
EDOH2550Z | *RN/LPN by Exam - Initial | DOH | $5.00 | $87.65 |
EDOH4500Z | Acupuncture | DOH | $5.00 | $87.65 |
EAHCA790Z | All | - | $5.00 | $87.65 |
EAHCA020Z | All | AHCA | $5.00 | $87.65 |
EDOH4510Z | Anestesiologist Assistant | DOH | $5.00 | $87.65 |
EAPDFC20Z | APD CDC | APD | $5.00 | $71.65 |
EAPDGN10Z | APD General | APD | $5.00 | $71.65 |
EDOH4400Z | C.N.A by Reciprocity | DOH | $5.00 | $87.65 |
EDOH4530Z | Clinical Lab Personnel | DOH | $5.00 | $87.65 |
EDOH4540Z | Clinical Nurse Specialist | DOH | $5.00 | $87.65 |
EDOH4550Z | Clinical Social Work, Marriage & Family, Mental Health Counseling | DOH | $5.00 | $87.65 |
EDCFGN10Z | DCF General | DCF | $5.00 | $71.65 |
EDCFMH20Z | DCF Mental Health Providers | DCF | $5.00 | $71.65 |
EDCFSC30Z | DCF Summer Camp Providers | DCF | $5.00 | $71.65 |
EDOH4560Z | Dentistry | DOH | $5.00 | $87.65 |
EDOEA310Z | Department of Elder Affairs | DOEA | $5.00 | $71.65 |
EDJJ1940Z | Department of Juvenile Justice | DJJ - Employee | $5.00 | $71.65 |
VDJJ1940Z | Department of Juvenile Justice | DJJ - Volunteer | $5.00 | $69.65 |
VDJJ1940Z | Department of Juvenile Justice | DJJ - Volunteer | $5.00 | $69.65 |
EDOH4570Z | Dietetics/Nutrition | DOH | $5.00 | $87.65 |
EDOH4580Z | Electrolysis | DOH | $5.00 | $87.65 |
E13030066 | Employee (5 Years) | MOT Academy | $- | $- |
FL921880Z | FL920150 | Employee Leasing | $- | $58.65 |
EAHCA013Z | Florida Medicaid Providers and Enrollees | Medicaid | $5.00 | $87.65 |
FL013124Z | Guardianship | Guardian | $- | $58.65 |
FL013124Z | Guardianship | Guardian | $- | $58.65 |
EDOH4590Z | Hearing Aid Specialist | DOH | $5.00 | $87.65 |
EDOEVR200 | Independent Living Employee | Vocational Rehabilitation | $5.00 | $87.65 |
VDOEVR200 | Independent Living Volunteer | Vocational Rehabilitation | $5.00 | $79.65 |
VDOEVR200 | Independent Living Volunteer | Vocational Rehabilitation | $5.00 | $79.65 |
EDOH4410Z | LPN by Endorsement | DOH | $5.00 | $87.65 |
EDOH4600Z | Massage Therapy | DOH | $5.00 | $87.65 |
EDOH4610Z | Medical Physicist | DOH | $5.00 | $87.65 |
EDOH4620Z | Midwifery | DOH | $5.00 | $87.65 |
FL923790Z | Name Change | Name Change | $- | $58.65 |
FL923790Z | Name Change | Name Change | $- | $58.65 |
FL737111Z | National Mortgage Loan | NMLS | $- | $45.40 |
FL737111Z | National Mortgage Loan | NMLS | $- | $45.40 |
EDOH4630Z | Naturopath | DOH | $5.00 | $87.65 |
FL922011Z | Nursing | Nursing | $- | $58.65 |
EDOH4640Z | Nursing Home Administrator | DOH | $5.00 | $87.65 |
EDOH4650Z | Occupational Therapy | DOH | $5.00 | $87.65 |
EDOH4660Z | Opticianry | DOH | $5.00 | $87.65 |
EDOH4670Z | Optometry | DOH | $5.00 | $87.65 |
EDOH4680Z | Pharmacist | DOH | $5.00 | $87.65 |
EDOH4690Z | Physical Therapy | DOH | $5.00 | $87.65 |
EDOH4700Z | Physician Assistant | DOH | $5.00 | $87.65 |
EDOH4710Z | Psychology | DOH | $5.00 | $87.65 |
EDOH4720Z | Respiratory Care | DOH | $5.00 | $87.65 |
EDOH4420Z | RN by Endorsement | DOH | $5.00 | $87.65 |
EDOH4730Z | School Psychology | DOH | $5.00 | $87.65 |
EDOH4740Z | Speech/Language Pathology | DOH | $5.00 | $87.65 |
V13030487 | Tutors and will tutor Special Needs Kids | Volunteers Tutors (Tutorial Resources) | $- | $50.65 |
V13030487 | Tutors and will tutor Special Needs Kids | Volunteers Tutors (Tutorial Resources) | $- | $50.65 |
EDOEVR100 | Vendor Registration Employee | Vocational Rehabilitation | $5.00 | $87.65 |
VDOEVR100 | Vendor Registration Volunteer | Vocational Rehabilitation | $5.00 | $79.65 |
VDOEVR100 | Vendor Registration Volunteer | Vocational Rehabilitation | $5.00 | $79.65 |
V13030066 | Volunteer (1 Years) | MOT Academy | $- | $- |